Group supervision on October 13 (English)

Our Associate Sina Hulten invites you to the first online group supervision in English. For German group supervisions click here. During a group supervision, three or four cases are presented and discussed.

How are group supervisions hosted?

The first supervisee asks a supervision question about a case. The supervisor carries out "normal" supervision, which typically includes practical exercises (e.g. role plays) with the supervisee. Afterwards the discussion is opened for all participants present at the group supervision. After 50 minutes of supervision, the session is closed and a second case is presented by a second supervisee.

A total of three or four cases of "active" supervisees can be presented. An unlimited number of "passive" supervisees can join the group supervision. Passive supervisees do not present their own case. Instead, they are welcome to participate in the discussions.


Date/time: October 13 starting at 9 a.m.

Duration: 3-4 hours
3 or 4x 50-minute supervision plus 10-minute breaks in between each case

Supervisor: Sina Hulten
As a psychotherapist, Sina is specialised in the treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Besides running a private practice in Dortmund, she frequently teaches seminars related to Personality Disorders, Psychosomatic Disorders and grief.

“Sina’s aptitude to grasp the concepts and apply the techniques of the enactive perspective on therapy is outstanding. I have full faith that a supervision with Sina will be most valuable.”
- Ellert Nijenhuis

Price "active" supervisee: €200 Introduction price: €160
Active supervisees have the opportunity both to present their own case and to act as "passive" supervisees when the cases of other participants are discussed the group supervision can take place, three active supervisees must be scheduled.
> Join the group supervision as an “active” Supervisee

Price "passive" supervisee: 80 €
Passive supervisees have the opportunity to listen to all supervisions and to take part in all group discussions.

> Click here to book your "passive" seat.
