1. Klinische Behandlung (Einführung) Enaktive TraumatherapieKirandeFebruary 25, 20242022, Introduction
2. Verlangen & Streben in der Therapie Enaktive TraumatherapieKirandeFebruary 17, 20242022, Introduction
3. Enaktive Traumatherapie: Basisstruktur der Behandlung Enaktive TraumatherapieKirandeFebruary 13, 20242023, English, Introduction
1. Clinical treatment (introduction) Enactive trauma therapyKirandeOctober 31, 20232022, Introduction
2. Longings & Strivings in the therapy Enactive trauma therapyKirandeSeptember 21, 20232022, Introduction
3. Enactive trauma therapy: a basic outline of treatment Enactive trauma therapyKirandeSeptember 10, 20232023, English, Introduction