Pre-conference Only

Pre-conference Only


Date: 2 October 2025
Time: 9h-13h in German or 14h-18h in English
Location: Mainhaus Stadthotel Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany

Be invited to join Ellert Nijenhuis and Sina Hulten in exploring the enactive approach to trauma and trauma treatment. Experience and grasp along with them how we are embodied and environmentally embedded beings striving to fulfil our longings. Learn how trauma is a mental and bodily injury in this frame. Experience in interactive sessions how the enactive approach can enrich your clinical understanding and skills alike.

Learning goals:

  • You will understand the principles of the enactive approach to trauma and trauma treatment.

  • You will experience what this approach offers beyond what you already know.

  • You will be enabled to apply its principles.

This ticket grant you:

⎷ access to the pre-conference day

⎷ refreshments during the breaks

⎷ digital certification of participation


Student discount
University students can purchase a ticket at 50% discount. Enter “Student” in the discount field upon check-out. Do use your university / school email address to attest your student status.

Conference attendees
We offer discounts to attendees of the conference. Kindly purchase your package tickets via these links:

If you fall into one or more of these groups of people, kindly contact Kirande to request a discount code.

Book now
Conference ticket (2 days)

Conference ticket (2 days)

Nur Vorkonferenz

Nur Vorkonferenz

Vorkonferenztag + Konferenzticket (2.5 Tage)

Vorkonferenztag + Konferenzticket (2.5 Tage)

Pre-conference + Conference ticket (2,5 days)

Pre-conference + Conference ticket (2,5 days)

Konferenz - Ticket für 2 Tage

Konferenz - Ticket für 2 Tage
